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stdio.h File Reference

Detailed Description

C Standard I/O.


#define EOF   (-1)
 End of file.
#define _IOFBF   0x00
 Fully buffered.
#define _IOLBF   0x01
 Line buffered.
#define _IONBF   0x02
#define stdin   (__iob[0])
 Standard input stream.
#define stdout   (__iob[1])
 Standard output stream.
#define stderr   (__iob[2])
 Standard error output stream.
#define SEEK_SET   0
#define SEEK_CUR   1
#define SEEK_END   2


typedef __iobuf FILE
 Stream structure type.


void clearerr (FILE *stream)
 Reset error status of a stream.
int fclose (FILE *stream)
 Close a stream.
void fcloseall (void)
 Close all open streams.
FILE_fdopen (int fd, CONST char *mode)
 Open a stream associated with a file, device or socket descriptor.
int feof (FILE *stream)
 Test if a stream reached the end of file.
int ferror (FILE *stream)
 Test for an error on a stream.
int fflush (FILE *stream)
 Flush a stream.
int fgetc (FILE *stream)
 Read a character from a stream.
char * fgets (char *buffer, int count, FILE *stream)
 Read a line from a stream.
int _fileno (FILE *stream)
 Get the file descriptor associated with a stream.
void _flushall (void)
 Flushes all streams.
FILEfopen (CONST char *name, CONST char *mode)
 Open a stream.
int fprintf (FILE *stream, CONST char *fmt,...)
 Print formatted data to a stream.
int fpurge (FILE *stream)
 Purge a stream, i.e. discards the input buffer.
int fputc (int c, FILE *stream)
 Write a character to a stream.
int fputs (CONST char *string, FILE *stream)
 Write a string to a stream.
size_t fread (void *buffer, size_t size, size_t count, FILE *stream)
 Read data from a stream.
FILEfreopen (CONST char *name, CONST char *mode, FILE *stream)
 Reassign a stream.
int fscanf (FILE *stream, CONST char *fmt,...)
 Read formatted data from a stream.
int fseek (FILE *stream, long offset, int origin)
 Move read/write position of a stream.
long ftell (FILE *stream)
 Return the read/write position of a stream.
size_t fwrite (CONST void *data, size_t size, size_t count, FILE *stream)
 Write data to a stream.
int getc (FILE *stream)
 Read a character from a stream.
int getchar (void)
 Read a character from a standard input.
int kbhit (void)
char * gets (char *buffer)
 Get a line from the standard input stream.
int printf (CONST char *fmt,...)
 Print formatted data to the standard output stream.
int putc (int c, FILE *stream)
 Write a character to a stream.
int putchar (int c)
 Write a character to standard output.
int puts (CONST char *string)
 Write a string to stdout.
int scanf (CONST char *fmt,...)
 Read formatted data from the standard input stream.
int sprintf (char *buffer, CONST char *fmt,...)
 Write formatted data to a string.
int sscanf (CONST char *string, CONST char *fmt,...)
 Read formatted data from a string.
int ungetc (int c, FILE *stream)
 Push a character back onto a stream.
int vfprintf (FILE *stream, CONST char *fmt, va_list ap)
 Write argument list to a stream using a given format.
int vfscanf (FILE *stream, CONST char *fmt, va_list ap)
 Read formatted data from a stream.
int vsprintf (char *buffer, CONST char *fmt, va_list ap)
 Write argument list to a string using a given format.
int vsscanf (CONST char *string, CONST char *fmt, va_list ap)
 Read formatted data from a string.
int fprintf_P (FILE *stream, PGM_P fmt,...)
 Print formatted data to a stream.
int fputs_P (PGM_P string, FILE *stream)
 Write a string from progam memory to a stream.
int fscanf_P (FILE *stream, PGM_P fmt,...)
 Read formatted data from a stream.
size_t fwrite_P (PGM_P data, size_t size, size_t count, FILE *stream)
 Write data from program space to a stream.
int printf_P (PGM_P fmt,...)
 Print formatted output to the standard output stream.
int puts_P (PGM_P string)
 Write a string from program memory to stdout.
int scanf_P (PGM_P fmt,...)
 Read formatted data from the standard input stream.
int sprintf_P (char *buffer, PGM_P fmt,...)
 Write formatted data to a string.
int sscanf_P (CONST char *string, CONST char *fmt,...)
 Read formatted data from a string.
int vfprintf_P (FILE *stream, PGM_P fmt, va_list ap)
 Write argument list to a stream using a given format.
int vfscanf_P (FILE *stream, PGM_P fmt, va_list ap)
 Read formatted data from a stream.
int vsprintf_P (char *buffer, PGM_P fmt, va_list ap)
 Write argument list to a string using a given format.
int vsscanf_P (CONST char *string, PGM_P fmt, va_list ap)
 Read formatted data from a string.


FILE__iob []

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