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_PHATVBR Struct Reference
[Volume Support]

#include <phatvol.h>

Detailed Description

Volume boot record.

Data Fields

u_char boot_jump [3]
 Jump instruction, contains E9xxxx or EBxx90.
u_char boot_oem [8]
 OEM name and version.
u_short bios_sectsz
 Bytes per sector.
u_char bios_clustsz
 Sectors per cluster.
u_short bios_rsvd_sects
 Number of reserved sectors.
u_char bios_ntabs
 Number of allocation tables.
u_short bios_rootsz
 Number of root directory entries.
u_short bios_volsz
 Total number of sectors.
u_char bios_media
 Media descriptor.
u_short bios_tabsz
 Number of sectors per allocation table.
u_short bios_sects_p_trk
 Number of sectors per track.
u_short bios_heads
 Number of heads.
u_long bios_sects_hidd
 Number of hidden sectors.
u_long bios_volsz_big
 Total number of sectors for huge drives.
u_long bios_tabsz_big
 Number of sectors per allocation table for huge drives.
u_short bios_xflags
 Extended flags.
u_short bios_fsver
 File system version.
u_long bios_root_clust
 First cluster of root directory.
u_short bios_fsinfo
 File system info sector.
u_short bios_boot_bak
 Boot backup sector.
u_char bios_rsvd32 [12]
 Reserved for future expansion.
u_char boot_drive
 Logical drive number.
u_char boot_rsvd_nt
 Reserved field, used by Windows NT.
u_char boot_xsig
 Extended signature.
u_long boot_vol_id
 Volume serial number.
u_char boot_vol_lbl [11]
 Volume label.
u_char boot_vol_fs [8]
 File system.

Field Documentation

u_short _PHATVBR::bios_sectsz

Bytes per sector.

The BIOS parameter block starts here.

u_short _PHATVBR::bios_rsvd_sects

Number of reserved sectors.

This includes the boot sector, which is typically the only reserved sector with PHAT12/16.

u_short _PHATVBR::bios_tabsz

Number of sectors per allocation table.

If zero, then the value is stored in bios_tabsz_big.

u_long _PHATVBR::bios_sects_hidd

Number of hidden sectors.

With PHAT12 this field is two bytes only. We ignore it anyway.

u_long _PHATVBR::bios_volsz_big

Total number of sectors for huge drives.

Valid only if the value in bios_volsz is zero.

u_long _PHATVBR::bios_tabsz_big

Number of sectors per allocation table for huge drives.

This and the following 6 fields are available with PHAT32 only.

u_short _PHATVBR::bios_xflags

Extended flags.

If bit 7 is set, then bits 0-3 specify the active allocation table. This feature is not yet supported. PHAT32 always updates the first two tables.

u_char _PHATVBR::bios_rsvd32[12]

Reserved for future expansion.

End of the BIOS parameter block.

u_char _PHATVBR::boot_drive

Logical drive number.

With PHAT12 and PHAT16 this and the following fields are at offset 36.

u_char _PHATVBR::boot_xsig

Extended signature.

If 0x28 or 0x29, than the following fields are valid.

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